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burkert比例閥電子控制設(shè)備8605 囯與

burkert比例閥電子控制設(shè)備8605 囯與

產(chǎn)品型號: 8605



簡要描述:burkert比例閥電子控制設(shè)備8605 囯與 burkert The digital control electronics, Type 8605, serves to operate proportional solenoid control valves in the power range from 40 - 2000 mA.


burkert比例閥電子控制設(shè)備8605 囯與 burkert The digital control electronics, Type 8605, serves to operate proportional solenoid control valves in the power range from 40 - 2000 mA. burkert比例閥電子控制設(shè)備8605 囯與 burkert The electronics converts an external standard signal into a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal with which the opening of the proportional valve and hence a fluidic output parameter (e.g. flow rate) can be widely varied. burkert The internal current control circuitry is equipped with thermal compensation.



- Microprocessor-controlled electronics
- Compensation of the solenoid coil heating by internal current control
- Configurable ramp function
- Adjustable zero point shutdown
- Display and buttons  burkert
- Switchable standard input signal
- RS232 or RS485 interface (with auxiliary module)
- Infiniy variable PWM frequency
- Simple adaptation of the minimum and maximum current (start of opening and full opening) to the prevailing pressure conditions



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