
網(wǎng)站首頁產(chǎn)品展示burkertburkert流量傳感器 > SE10burkert SE10傳感器 模塊burkert
burkert SE10傳感器 模塊burkert

burkert SE10傳感器 模塊burkert

產(chǎn)品型號: SE10



簡要描述:burkert SE10傳感器 模塊burkert The S010 INLINE sensor fitting is made up of a blade with a magnet.


burkert SE10傳感器 模塊burkert The S010 INLINE sensor fitting is made up of a blade with a magnet. burkert SE10傳感器 模塊burkert The SE10 module contains a rocker arm with a magnet on each end. When liquid flows through the pipe, the blade rotates and, by magnetic adherence, actuates the rocker arm.

 The arrows on the S010 INLINE and on the SE10 must correspond to the flow direction. With this rotation, the upper magnet switches the Reed contact opening or closing the circuit.  The switching points can be set with a screw within a defined range 


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